How To Use Ube And Purple Sweet Potatoes

Purple sweet potatoes can be cooked and utilized in much the same way that orange sweet potatoes can.

They can be mashed, baked, roasted, sautéed, or even fried. The purple potato can easily be incorporated into a pie or into potato salad

 Basically, recipes that utilize orange sweet potatoes can be readily used with purple ones. 

Since the color doesn't necessarily fade during cooking (though they can oxidize), you can add a dash of purple to the table 

Ube, on the other hand, more readily lends its sweet, nutty flavor to desserts, baked goods, and even savory dishes.

The native tuber from the Philippines has become a sought-after flavor across the world in recent years. 

 There are cocktails, hamburger buns, and a medley of desserts featuring ube. For those who don't want to prepare the tuber themselves

Numerous companies also produce ube flavored creamer, jam, flavoring, and even pancake mix, among many other products.




