Here's What the Sun in Capricorn Sextile Saturn in Pisces Means for Your Zodiac Sign

Get ready to turn your dreams into reality! On Jan. 4, the sun will meet with Saturn in a productive sextile

When the sun journeys through Capricorn, the energetic theme revolves around discipline, structure and tangible results

Disciplined and steadfast, this Earth sign focuses on long-term goals and achieving success with perseverance and practicality.

Collectively, we are no exception — it’s time to buckle down, set clear intentions and make real, measurable progress towards the future.

Similar to how Capricorn’s Cardinal Earth is so rich it can make a diamond, its celestial season encourages us to take a serious

Saturn in Pisces, on the other hand, brings a much more introspective and creative energy to the forefront.

Look at it this way: Pisces is fluid, intuitive, and deeply emotional, while taskmaster Saturn is the planet of structure, discipline and boundaries.

As Saturn journeys through numinous Pisces, it asks us to build our dreams upon a foundation that isn’t faulty or elusive




