You might already be saving sweet potato skins to turn them into crispy veggie chips, but did you know you should also be saving onion and garlic skins
These papery scraps that usually end up in the trash are loaded with nutrients and culinary potential
Onion skins contain high amounts of quercetin, a plant pigment rich in antioxidants and other nutrients with anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.
Garlic skins are also rich in antioxidants, and both are packed with valuable flavor.
One of the easiest ways to make use of onion and garlic skins is to turn them into homemade powders.
Forget about store-bought onion and garlic powders and make your own. Wash the skins, spread them on a metal baking sheet
Blend the dried skins in a blender until they become a fine powder. This powder can be an excellent salad dressing.
Another way to use these skins is to season pasta or rice while cooking. Soak the skins in the cooking liquid to give it a special touch