The dish can be served warm or room temperature, and the result is just a kiss of garlic rather than a full-on mouth punch that some dressings and sauces deliver.
The ingredients that go into the bowl — not just the noodles, but also any fresh produce you have on hand and want to use up
Since flavor is the result of both our senses of taste and smell, you're picking up the garlicky notes without overwhelming the palate with this method.
The rubbing-the-clove trick could be a great alternative for anyone with allium gut sensitivity but who still longs for garlic's alluring essence.
Another way to get a toned-down garlic fix is by using an immature form of the plant when cooking
Green garlic can often be found in farmers markets in early spring and may or may not have developed bulbs.
That means you're relying on the slender green tops to give recipes a slight kick — though one that is milder and more refreshing than the familiar bulbs
Finally, adding whole, peeled cloves to pasta water as it boils could be another way to mellow out garlic's bite.