I Just Learned What Paprika Is Really Made From, And I Need To Lie Down

Sometimes, learning more about your favourite foods makes you feel good.

For instance, I was pretty happy to discover that a pumpkin spice mix is really easy to make at home, and that the secret to Biscoff’s distinctive taste is more than likely just

Other times, though (like when I learned that cola is flavoured with a kola nut), the news changes my perspective forever. 

Such is the case with paprika, which I always thought was some variety of dried... chilli? With tomato powder, maybe

Granted, it’s a particular species of bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) ― but the ruby-red variety wouldn’t be out of place on your crudité plate.

That makes sense, seeing as it’s simply a red pepper dried and ground into powder.

BuzzFeed’s cooking vertical Tasty shared a YouTube Short on how to make the spice at home, revealing that whacking a bell pepper in the oven or air fryer

Herb and spice research company McCormick’s Science Institute (MSI) has also shared that paprika can have a sugar content of up to 6%




