8 Flowering Perennials That Are Hummingbird Magnets

Transform your garden into a hummingbird haven with these flowering perennials that boast vibrant colors and nectar-rich blooms.

From vivid reds to sunny yellows, these plants not only provide sustenance for hummingbirds but also enhance the ecological diversity of your outdoor space

 Dive into our curated list of perennial plants that will entice hummingbirds and other pollinators while adding beauty and charm to your garden.

This stunning vine features tubular, coral-red flowers that bloom from early spring to summer.

Native to the southeastern United States, Coral Honeysuckle thrives in various soils, preferring full sun or partial shade

 Its sweet nectar is a favorite of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, while its noninvasive growth up to 15 feet makes it perfect for trellises and fences.

Red Columbine's bell-shaped red and yellow flowers are a delicate yet dazzling addition to any garden

Blooming in spring, it provides an early nectar source for hummingbirds. This woodland perennial thrives in partial sun or shade, reaching up to three feet, and self-seeds for consistent




