What Are The Health Risks Of Pickle Juice?

While pickles are made from cucumbers, salt is arguably their main ingredient. Salt preserves pickles and prevents spoilage.

 The high concentration of sodium in pickle juice means that you shouldn’t consume large amounts of it

“Just two fluid ounces of pickle juice has about 25% of your daily sodium allowance,” says Betz

 Americans, on average, already consume more sodium than we need (by about 1,000 milligrams

High-sodium diets can contribute to health problems down the line, including high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, kidney stones

Because of the high concentration of salt in pickle juice, both Betz and Beitchman say it's best to be mindful

It’s also worth noting that a lot of pickles available at the supermarket are made with artificial flavors

The amount of bacteria in most lacto-fermented pickles isn't enough to survive stomach acid and make it to your intestines




